Space2b Café is under new management with a new cultural cuisine!
Nestled in the laneway behind Space2b, Flavours of Syria brings you the flavours from the Middle East, serving mezza, a term that refers to a generous spread of small dishes, usually eaten without cutlery using flat bread, lettuce or vine leaves to scoop up dips or to wrap portions of colourful salads. This includes all-day breakfast, lunch, and coffee from local small batch roasters, Elwood Coffee Roasters with a continental smile.
Our vision is to create in the City of Port Phillip a place to welcome residents and new arrivals to connect in a way common to all cultures around the world, through food! Our mission is to connect locals and new arrivals to foster respect amongst many cultures.
Our Café will also be a training, cultural experience and connection opportunity for new arrivals. In partnership with Space2b, Flavours of Syria will bring the community spirit of offering new arrivals the opportunity to be trained in hospitality, event planning and marketing and many other disciplines to they can have the first work experience with those with lived experience.
Come and visit us for a taste of Flavours of Syria, visit us on our Instagram to check our menu and our weekly specials.
Come and meet our team!
We also do:
Email your enquiries to Nayran at info@flavoursofsyria.com.au
Sat 10am - 3pm
Follow us on Instagram!
144 Chapel St, St Kilda
Photography by Paul Jeffers