Community Art Projects

3D Clay Relief Mural (2023)
These large-scale bass clay-relief 3D murals encapsulates Port Phillip’s art and cultural history. Mentored by Iranian artist Leila Ashtiani, six local artists created the mural to complete the laneway attraction – drawing tourists and locals to this celebration of diversity, vibrance and creativity.

Urban Canvas Festival Melbourne (2023)
Space2b is super excited to be part of this mural festival , celebrating Art, Culture and Community. Six culturally diverse artists who are part of the Space2b community will be painting two roller doors in the laneway and 4 telegraph poles.
ARTISTS: Camila paz: camilapazdesign, Tatiana Agudelo: bytatillustration, Amir Tehrani: amirtehrani4611, Nidhal Al-Tai @altaie_illustrations,
Anudeepa Kadiresan. dravidian_art, Susan Magnetic: s.me1372

Kid's Games Floor Mural (2022)
Street Artist Heesco, well known for his silo works in regional Victoria and local artists Nidhal Altaie, Robert Scholten, Anahita Diba, Karen Bravo and Farhad Bandesh painted the entire laneway floor between Rosamond Street and Nightingale Street, St Kilda with children’s street games played around the world. Occupying children during Melbourne’s many lockdowns is the inspiration for this work.

Flora & Fauna Wall Mural (2021)
Street artist Heesco, well known for his silo works in regional Victoria, and four CALD artists have brought color and movement to Space2b’s laneway and café with a large scale mural featuring a menagerie of local birds and indigenous flora. The mural spills out onto the laneway floor offering children’s street games from around the world.

Spoken (2019)
A mural art project that tell visual stories of diversity, providing a voice for women who are connected with Space2b to share their stories on identity and resilience.

Imagining Laneways (2018)
An art installation in the laneway behind Space2b celebrating traditional design and pattern from around the world.

Journeys – Homeland to Here (2016)
A multimedia exhibition portraying 12 emerging artists and designers from cultural and linguistically diverse communities.

The Art of Belonging
An exploration of home, community & settlement. Mural, art exhibition & spoken word poetry.