Join us to celebrate at our 2019 Laneway Market Festival

Makers Market + Music + Food 10-3pm
Northside Projects, the creators of the much love Blenders Market in the City, brings you over 20 stalls of Australian designed products and beautiful gifts from local established and new migrant designers and artists. Come along, connect with vibrant artists, buy some beautiful products, eat food and listen to music from afar.
BOOK A STALL ($20/$30/$40)
Workshop - The Art of African Headwraps $15 10:30am - 1pm
Embrace your inner queen and learn how to confidently wear a headwrap in a variety of styles with this workshop, hosted by
Nehanda Yemaya Rusere and Watiri Boleyn. Feel free to bring your own scarf or scarves will be available and also on sale.
You also have a chance to join in our Laneway Festival Dance.
Live Music - Përolas 11-12 am
Përolas is an electro-acoustic duo, featuring Liana on Harp & Vocals, and Fabian on Guitar, Trumpet, Keyboard and live electronic Beats. Përolas brings a strong sense of their cultural heritage to their music; infusing Indian, European and Latin American rhythms, melodies and scales. More info
Live Music - One Spirit Africa 1-2pm
Afro-fusion band combining traditional West African percussion with Western instrumentation to promote peace & unity through music.They feature traditional West African drums, xylophone and flute along with contemporary keys, guitar, bass, drum kit and horns to present an authentic percussive performance. More info

Art Exhibition - LANDED
Connecting Somalia with the African diaspora in Colombia. Two women connected through one land. One of artists has never returned to her homeland but knows the history of her ancestors. As an Afro Colombian woman, descendent of the African Diaspora, Karen Bravo is foremost an artist. Her work focuses on the different ways her culture has evolved in regards to music, dance, food and art.
Art Exhibition - Spoken
Space2b & Ondru have created an evocative public mural 'Spoken' around Space2b. It takes the form of an engaging photographic mural, created by painting large montages of culturally diverse individuals and their evocative stories. The vision of the artwork is to celebrate cultural diversity and raise awareness about the journey, struggles and achievements of people from diverse backgrounds.
Face Painting and Henna Art 10-3pm
Indian , Somali and Iraqi artists will offer beautiful face paintings and temporary Henna tattoos.