Across Barriers follow up

Following up on our Abe Nouk talk at PCW on 25/8/16

Id like to share some feedback from one of the girls and parents from PCW post event
Here is the piece that Mathilda Pithouse (a Year 12 student) wrote for The Lantern (school newsletter)

“Sudanese-born Abe Nouk landed on Australian soil in 2004 as a refugee, unable to read and write in his own native tongue, let alone the completely new one he was suddenly submerged in. Fast forward 12 years and he is standing infront of a room full of wide-eyed high-schoolers, sharing his story through spoken poetry. I’m sure I can speak for everyone in the audience when I say I wasn’t too sure what to expect from the slam poetry, and I’m also positive I speak for everyone when I say that I left that room speechless.

His profound poems delved deep into his war-torn childhood, the stigma of living as a refugee and the frustration he fought and perseverance he found through his illiteracy. He forced us to ponder our privilege – not to induce guilt, but rather appreciation, and emphasised our own role in creating our futures. Most importantly, he emphasised the importance of our self-forgiveness and acceptance, using his extraordinary life as an example.

I’d like to thank this incredible role model for taking his time out to speak to us. We are inspired and most of all, grateful. I hope many more people are lucky enough to hear these amazing stories from such an amazing person.”


Clearly, she was blown away! The school also received the following email from a parent of a Year 12 girl just last night about Abe’s visit:

” the reason why I wanted to contact you is to say that Leah was very impressed, moved and encouraged by the recent visit of the young rapper/ slam poetry artist from Africa. Leah is very receptive to people who come from different cultural/ social backgrounds and who succeed against all the odds. She was in tears telling me about the young man.
Thank you for organizing this event.”
All three schools are embracing the “Across Barriers” program in some format which will be embedded into their school curriculum for 2017.
PCW and CBC are moving towards organising more events in term 4 , St kilda primary school will be looking into the program closely to see how possibly Y5 curriculum can be further enhanced in 2017.
We look forward to working with such great people and children in the near future, for “together we do make a difference.”

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