Spoken 2019

We cross our arms across our chests. Our duality within us.
Many homes held within, while one heart beats.

Spoken - A mural art project that aims to tell visual stories of diversity
The project was created by ONDRU in partnership with Space2b.   It focuses on providing a voice for women who are connected with Space2b to share their stories on identity and resilience. The stories have been told directly by the women or in some cases shared together with family members.

The following poetic words shaped the visual expression of the project:
Our world displaces us. Our world brings us together.

We are creatures of our places, choices…contradictions.
It is our individual identity that makes us distinct.
We are poised between a number of languages, cultural traditions and countries.
We each believe we belong to one or another.
We each face an unbounded identity.

Spoken: The Mural Project from Ondru on Vimeo.

Videography by Salvador Castro

Spoken: The Mural Project from Ondru on Vimeo.

At Space2b, we work with inspiring and resilient women every day. We feel honoured and humbled.
Thank you Anu, Guna, Joanne, Muhubo, Nidhal, Samu and Zmira for inviting us into your worlds and
sharing your personal and sometimes painful journeys.

Please click on each image to reveal individual stories.

Joanne S

Zoe H

Nidhal A

Shambhavi Shree C

Muhubo S

Anu B

Gunamani N

Muhubo & Fatima


Photography by Shane Lam

Share a meal, Share a story
at Space2b this World Refugee Day

Thursday 20 June, 2019, 11am – 1.30pm

A multicultural lunch will be provided with proceeds going to Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project.

Attendees will also have a chance to see Spoken: The Mural Project portrait series telling visual stories of resilience and identity of local women of diverse backgrounds.

Admission is free, but bookings are essential: BOOK YOUR PLACE

We look forward to seeing you there.


Spoken was realised thanks to our partnership of  ONDRU  and funding by the City of Port Phillip.
ONDRU is a Melbourne-based non-profit humanitarian organisation working towards a more connected, compassionate and equitable society. They use art to provoke thought, evoke feeling and inspire change on issues of social justice.

We greatly admire the work of ONDRU and thank the incredible creative team for making this wonderful project possible.  We particularly are grateful to Desh Balasubramaniam, the founder and CEO for all his hard work and support on this incredible project.

Interview with mural artist Heesco (6 mins in)